I have officially landed on the Gold Coast. I am so excited to start a new adventure in a new country. From now on my blogs will have a new focus. In America I was learning to distinguish flavors and train my pallet to look at more things than just taste. I was doing this using chocolate. Now that I am in Australia the focus will switch to wine. I will be attending a wine studies course at Bond University on the Gold Coast. I will not only be learning about the history and wine making process, but also about the flavors and qualities on wine. The class has to parts. On odd weeks we will learn about wine ( history, qualities, process and more). During these weeks I will be trying to increase my abilities by doing my own research and wine tastings as well. Then on odd weeks we have actual sensory evaluations in class and are allowed to taste and learn about specific types of wine and the qualities it typically processes. I also have planned a wine tasting tour in the Yarra Valley in March.
I am so excited to start the is part of the my learning experience.
First though I found a chocolate shop in Australia called Max Brenner. It happens to be located right next to my housing so I am sure that I will be there often. My friend and I went and ordered the "lick" which is essentially your own pot of melted milk chocolate. This was so smooth and creamy and made me think of melted dove chocolate with its sweet flavor and silky texture. It was so smooth you just wanted to move it around in your mouth. There seemed to be slight hints of vanilla as well which made it more appealing. I cant wait to go back and try many other creations such as the chocolate pizza and the 80's Milkshake.
Hey Karli! Glad to hear you arrived safely and are getting settled in. Great work so far.... I enjoyed reading your description of the chocolate tastings. I'll keep up with the postings as you move into the world of wine :)